Day 31 – 22 miles – 432 total

Home/Day 31 – 22 miles – 432 total

Day 31 – 22 miles – 432 total


We got up early and left before the sun was up. We were able to see Tommy and thank him for hosting us.


We were walking down the sidewalk alongside U.S. 1 and a woman pulls her SUV over and screams out of her window, “have y’all had breakfast yet?” I told her that we had some snacks but hadn’t eaten a real breakfast. She said she was going up to Burger King to buy us breakfast. It was less than a mile ahead. We were not only excited about the free breakfast, but completely amazed at what had just happened.


We get to Burger King and there were people waiting to meet us. Lisa, Lisa, Renee, Dorothy, and Paul. They are active in their community as crime-watch members and wanted to show support for us. We had a great talk about ways to improve the way their town combats the opioid crisis and it was just in time for the Captain and a Sargeant of the Police Department to show up and join the conversation. It was incredible. If more towns could do this, we might get somewhere. Thank you Edgewater, Florida! We took photos and they told us the safest way to walk through the rest of their town and we got back to our step work.


We were on Riverside Dr., which borders the Indian River, and enjoying the scenery and sidewalks when Tommy came rolling up in his truck to say hey to us once more. Edgewater was one of the friendliest towns we’ve been through yet.


A lot of lovely sites and friendly neighbors filled the next few miles for us. Close to the end of the day, we were walking and saw another guy walking towards us with lots of bags on his back. We stopped and talked to him. He had just walked down from Massachusetts on a mission to find happiness. He says he has had no choice but to stay healthy while being out here and it has been working great for him. I knew exactly what he meant.


We made it to our ending point and then headed to our hotel that a friend of mine from Atlanta booked for us. We had two nights in the Hilton in Daytona Beach to enjoy. We decided that we would take tomorrow off and enjoy some down time. We relaxed for the rest of the night. Ordered pizza, jacuzzi, etc.


Great day.

By | 2018-02-28T06:46:07+00:00 February 27th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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