Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever.
These numbers above do not lie. Our nation is in a crisis. More and more people are falling victim every day. In the 1990’s, it was a very popular trend to have an excess of prescription medication in every household. No one knew the harm until children began sneaking into their parent’s medicine cabinet and misusing addictive drugs. Others became addicted after an injury and couldn’t get off the medicine. Many times because they didn’t realize the harm since the doctor was the one giving them the medication. Over time, once money and/or the prescription ran out, the people who are now addicted to these medications would seek out alternatives from street drug dealers. The drug cartels capitalized on this opioid pain reliever trend in the U.S. and began flooding our streets with cheaper and stronger Heroin. The face of heroin changed as it found it’s way into mainstream America. Right under everyone’s nose, people began using heroin and overdose rates started rising every year. The problem has only gotten worse now as fentanyl has been introduced into the crisis. Fentanyl is an even cheaper and stronger alternative to heroin and is being mixed in with many street drugs. The overdose death rate is becoming an alarming reality to many families from all walks of life.
This is a very complicated issue but there are ways that you can help make a difference to combat this crisis. Educating yourself and others is the most important. In all but three states, there is now a 911 Medical Amnesty Law known more commonly as the Good Samaritan Law. This law gives temporary immunity to anyone who calls 911 to seek help for a person who is overdosing on drugs. If you witness someone overdosing, the first thing you need to do is dial 911. Stay on the scene and you and the person who is overdosing will not be arrested. This applies to small amounts of drugs on the scene, paraphernalia, and probation or parole violations. This law is incredible and was made in hopes of saving lives. It has saved many. Unfortunately, many people don’t know about it. It is very important to let people who are at-risk of witnessing an overdose about this law. Another important thing is Naloxone. Naloxone is the anti-dote to opiate overdoses. Similar to the scene in Pulp Fiction, Naloxone can be administered and the peron’s life will be saved. Naloxone is getting easier and easier to obtain. Go to your state’s Harm Reduction Coalition to find out how you can get one. I recommend everyone to carry one at all times. I have a backpack that I carry around with me all day and I have 2 doses in it. I hope to never have to use it, but I am glad to be prepared.
The solution to this crisis lies within communities coming together from all angles. If the city leaders, police, school, church, students and parents can all come together with compassion and understanding regarding substance use and addiction then we will have a better chance of saving lives. We must end the stigma associated with substance use. This is one of the main objectives that our team will be executing during our walk.

Dear Brett, I recently saw the video clip regarding your commitment to walk across the country in memory of your sister, Brittany. I was not only struck by your plight and the obvious and enduring love you have for your sister, but also by the fact that you faced and overcame similar challenges. Congratulations – you should be very, very proud of yourself.

Just wanted to tell you that a big part of me overcoming pcp is cause of what you are doing for your sister it’s really weird cause no-one could reach me to cut the out but I read your story then I don’t even remember how but I ran across ur Facebook and was like damn if he can do this for her I can do this for me….I appreciate you I pray that all goes well with this journey and you keep walking and marching my brother you the man brett
Thoughts and notes from the road…
Day 202 – LAST DAY!!!! – 1 mile – 2,575 total
We woke up and were all excited to get going. We headed to our starting spot. A rite-aid parking lot where we had permission to gather. There were so [...]
Day 201 – 17 miles – 2,474 total
Today was a big day. We would be walking to a spot where we only had one mile left in our entire walk. The film crew for the documentary [...]
Day 200 – 9 miles – 2,557 total
We woke up and had breakfast at the Old Iron Inn B&B. Kate and Kevin, our hosts, had let us stay there for 5 nights for free. This was [...]