Day 164 – 17 miles – 2,126 total

Home/Day 164 – 17 miles – 2,126 total

Day 164 – 17 miles – 2,126 total

We headed to the Biddeford fire department to pick up our carts. There was a man who was working there who was in recovery for 28 years and going. He was so happy to have ran into us. It was great talking to him first thing in the morning. He asked us to take some steps for a friend of his named Charlie. We told him we’d walk all the way to the end for him.

Our first stop was at a 7/11. There was a man who is homeless standing out there. He had a lot of art items with him. Canvas and paint kits. He was a character indeed. He claimed to have been an artist that worked on the film, Pulp Fiction. Part of me believed his wild life story that he shared with us and another part of me made me think that he is a person with addiction who has lied to people so many times to get money for drugs that he started to believe the lies himself. It didn’t matter to me either way. He was still a nice human and we shared a good moment together. He seemed to be inspired by what we were doing.

A few miles down the road, we got stopped by a well-dressed woman with a nice convertible and she asked what we were doing. We told her and then she introduced herself as Mrs. York County and asked to pose for a picture with us to help get our story out. Pretty cool stuff.

We made it back to the Eastern Trail and had some great shade cover.

By | 2018-07-12T16:48:09+00:00 July 11th, 2018|Uncategorized|2 Comments


  1. Lisa Zetes July 11, 2018 at 10:58 AM - Reply

    Great job Brett and John, much Love to you both. I lost my nephew in 2015, he was 28 yrs old the pain everyday is real. I get alot of people that say it was his choice and they have no compassion. This hurts alot he would do anything for anyone and he was a great man who made a mistake. Thank you for what you are doing.

  2. Lisa Fab July 12, 2018 at 10:02 AM - Reply

    the 7-11 guy could also have a mental illness like schizophrenia…

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