Day 112 – 0 miles – 1,485 total

Home/Day 112 – 0 miles – 1,485 total

Day 112 – 0 miles – 1,485 total

Today was an easy day. We slept in and had an amazing breakfast at my uncle’s house. We hated to go, but we had to do some film work in D.C.

We waited a while until the rain slowed down and then headed into the city. Driving there was a mistake. Never again will I drive through D.C. Metro and walking is the way to go. Keep that in mind if you ever go.

Anyway, we finally parked and we went to see the White House and then to the Capitol to meet the film crew of the documentary that is being made while using pieces of our walk. We did the interviews and faulking (faux walking) and then headed out of downtown to go get a hotel room for the night. We went and took party naps and then got ready to go out in the city to celebrate Stick’s birthday with the film crew.

We went to a couple of different bars and listened to some live music. It was fun. Stick had fun. We were glad we took the time to go out and have a little fun.

By | 2018-05-22T07:17:30+00:00 May 21st, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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