Day 64 – 21 miles – 850 total

Home/Day 64 – 21 miles – 850 total

Day 64 – 21 miles – 850 total

We left my dad’s house for the last time and headed for The Shelter. That is the restaurant where we ended our walk the other day and would be starting back up today. Ryan, one of the guys running the place, was there prepping for Easter brunch and came out to wish us well. He is trying to bring more harm reduction to his community. I commended his efforts because it is needed.

We started our walk slowly to let our legs warm up as we’ve had 3 days off. We had sidewalks all morning so we didn’t have to stress about traffic. It was a really nice morning stroll. The weather was great. In the high 50s but gradually climbing to the mid 70s throughout the day.

We walked past all of the familiar roads from all of my visits to the Charleston area and back into the wild yonder. There were people selling sweetgrass baskets from roadside stands. Apparently it is an old tradition going back to the 1930s.

Almost everyone passing by was wearing their Easter clothes. There was a lot of traffic out but we had the sidewalks so all was well. We got a lot of friendly honks and waves which kept smiles on our faces. The great weather helped too.

We quickly went from city to country when we turned down a backroad off of hwy 17. We were in a town called Awendaw. We took this old country backroad for the rest of the day. To the left was national forest land and to the right was the occasional old country farm house.

We walked until the sun was getting low and starting looking for a spot in the national forest to camp. We found a spot easily and set up shop. I ate my usual jailhouse ramen concoction for dinner and me and Stick hung out talking until the sun set. Then we retreated to our tents.

Great weather and a full moon should make the night a good one!

By | 2018-04-01T19:59:02+00:00 April 1st, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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