Day 63 – 0 miles – 829 total

Home/Day 63 – 0 miles – 829 total

Day 63 – 0 miles – 829 total


We slept in today knowing that it will be the last day that we will be able to do so in a very long time. It is time for us to get back in the swing of things and start making some serious miles. But first, we had a big day ahead of us.


We got rolling around 10 am and dropped Domino at my friend Janice’s house in Myrtle Beach. Then we headed over to an event called Horry Hope. We set up a table to promote Freedom to Grow and the walk and got to meet a lot of people who do charitable work for addiction treatment in the Myrtle Beach area. We did a few news interviews and I got up and spoke for a few minutes.


It was a very hard speech to give. I didn’t prepare anything because I wanted to speak from the heart. The hard part was that I went right after they played a memorial video with so many faces of people who have died from overdoses. My sister was one of them. I was very emotional so it was hard to get started without being prepared. I managed it and everyone said I did great so I’ll have to take their word for it.


I really enjoyed seeing all of my friends in Myrtle Beach and I got really good support there. Many of them will be joining me when we come walking through there later this week.


We then drove 2 hours back to my dad’s house and got ready to get back to our walk. We will be out camping for the next few nights and we’re actually looking forward to that. We need to get back to our routine and start putting miles behind us.



By | 2018-03-31T20:49:29+00:00 March 31st, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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