Day 27 – 19 miles – 367 total

Home/Day 27 – 19 miles – 367 total

Day 27 – 19 miles – 367 total

We were up early and on the road at 6:40 AM. We enjoyed the sunrise as we made the transition from the Treasure Coast to the Space Coast area of Florida. We had the advantage of taking some neighborhood routes today so we had sidewalks and bike paths the entire day.

Domino wasn’t doing well at all though. Her ear has been bothering her and I’ve been trying to keep it clean but today it was really bad. We had no choice but to keep going until we passed a CVS or Walgreens or something else. It took a few miles but we finally came up to a CVS.

I got hydrogen peroxide and ear drops for swimmer’s ear. I washed my hands and then went to work. I poured some hydrogen peroxide in her ear and let her shake it out. Then I went in with Q-tips (she does great while I do all of this) and cleaned them out really well. Then I squirted some water in her ear to rinse it all out. Let her shake again and then put a couple of drops of the swimmer’s ear solution in to help with the moisture. Her ear looked a hundred times better. I should be able to keep it clean with saline solution over the next few days and hopefully it will clear up.

This is something that we have had to deal with since I got her. She has ear infections every few months no matter what I do, and yes I’ve tried everything that the vet has recommended. The vet also has taught me how to do these types of home remedies and agrees that taking antibiotics every time it happens is not always the best solution. It’s a chronic issue and I am working on it the best I can.

I had a tough mental day too. It started with Domino feeling bad but was mainly due to things that involve the others who left the Freedom to Grow team. No details there but ugh. Just ugh.

Anyways, we walked and walked and not much happened. Domino feels better for now and I’ll be perfectly fine.

Anyway, after we walked 19 miles we met up with Abby again, the woman who came to say hello at the City Hall yesterday. She was going to help us drive back to our car that we had to leave behind, since we can’t walk and drive at the same time. She was very kind for doing this. Not only did she not accept gas money but she gave us all the tips she made today and had some gifts for us and Domino also. Unreal. AND she’s super cool!

We rode back and felt like old friends. The drive was an hour long and it took us 3 days to walk it. Our car was still there and hadn’t been messed with. It was nice to be back to all of our things. We took some photos and said goodbye for now and then drove back up to where we left the carts.

We spent about 20 minutes trying to scout out a place to stealth camp but we got lazy and just decided to drive to the nearest walmart where it’s completely acceptable to camp for one night if you follow proper etiquette. We found one and saw a spot with some other RVs and travel trailers and went to claim our spot.

Easy peezy. Went into Walmart for a $3 salad and then that’s it. Comfy as I’ll ever be. Laying in a tent in a small patch of grass next to a Wal-Mart. What more could you want?

By | 2018-02-22T21:37:15+00:00 February 22nd, 2018|Uncategorized|3 Comments


  1. Donna Grzanka February 23, 2018 at 10:28 AM - Reply

    Let’s see what more could you want.. How about a shower!😃💦💦💦💦.
    I talked to John on the phone ☎️ for a while last night. A very nice down to earth man.
    He really respects you. I am so glad that you unloaded your excess baggage (group).
    You two are just clipping along, oops three🐾🐾. Do you have any kind of footwear that
    She can wear? They must make something for hot weather. They make boots for winter.
    I look 👀 forward to reading about today’s adventure. ❤️🙏🏻👣👣🐾🐾

    • brettbramble February 23, 2018 at 1:29 PM - Reply

      Yes. Domino has shoes. She hates them haha. I put them on when she needs them though

  2. Debbie Stine February 24, 2018 at 9:02 PM - Reply

    Don’t need to know particulars. We’ve dealt with ear issues with pups- Domino will be fine, you’re doing the right thing. Keep your head up and do your thing ❤️

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