Day 28 – 20 miles – 387 total

Home/Day 28 – 20 miles – 387 total

Day 28 – 20 miles – 387 total

Woke up and did the morning routine in the Wal-Mart bathroom. Was all freshened up and ready to go by 6 am. We were on the road before the sun came up. We got a good 9 easy miles in before it started to get hot.

When we were taking our first break, a friend from back home came to visit. She was on a road trip for family affairs and we weren’t far out of her way. She brought us snacks and toys for Domino. Domino was so excited. She is feeling a lot better today too. Thanks Brittany!

We had a big moment coming up for Stick. In 2014, he attempted a walk across America and made it 378 miles before health issues made him have to go home. He has had a huge hole in his heart since then and has been constantly working on making a comeback. Well today he made that comeback. We reached mile 379 and he now has a new personal best with every step. It was a fun moment to experience. I was very proud of him. He has been doing great ever since he signed up to be a part of this.

We were stopped at a gas station having a break and a woman was reading the sign on my cart. We told her what we were doing and she said she just celebrated one year of sobriety yesterday. Her story of recovery was incredible and gave us hope.


We noticed an extremely large amount of police vehicles on the road today. Then we came up to a spot in the highway that was shut down and police cars lined the highway for miles. There were locals lined up on the other side. We learned that this was a ceremony for a local sherriff deputy who was killed in the line of duty. It was a powerful thing to witness. There is a live video on my facebook page if you are interested in seeing it.


We then made it up to Titusville, Florida. We could see the big space station at Cape Canaveral out in the distance. It was really cool. This is where millions of people watched all of the space shuttle launches back in the 60s and 70s.


When we finished walking we went to Sonny’s BBQ for dinner and ate until we couldn’t move anymore. Then we went to a Wal-mart to camp again. Nothing like a good night’s sleep in the safe and comfy realms of a Wal-mart parking lot…

By | 2018-02-24T12:12:52+00:00 February 23rd, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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