Day 172 – 22 miles – 2,232 total

Home/Day 172 – 22 miles – 2,232 total

Day 172 – 22 miles – 2,232 total

We got a very early start today. I wanted to sleep in some more but Stick was already up and I figured I might as well get going.

We felt much better after the easy day yesterday. We stomped out 5 miles pretty quickly and took a break due to some serious hills that we had just gone up.

We went another 5 miles and stopped again. This time in a little town to grab a quick bite.

I looked up the elevation profile of the rest of our day and it was rough for the next 7 miles. We decided that we would break it up by taking another break at 3.5 miles. So we did.

We pushed hard up the hills and rested, then pushed up the rest of them. The last 5 miles of the day were mostly downhill.

Everything went well today other than my cart. My wheels were falling apart. They finally had had enough. The spokes were loose and some even popped out. I had never worked on spokes before but I figured out how to tighten them all back up.

The wheel was sturdy but very lopsided. Apparently there is a system to tightening spokes and I didn’t know until it was too late. I can go back and fix it later but they work just fine for now. They just wobble some. It will cause the tires to wear faster but other than that it is no big deal. And being that we are so close to the end, I don’t think replacing them is economical.

So despite the setback of roadside repairs, we still made great time today. We made it to the town of Belfast. I had called the City Hall yesterday and asked if they could allow us to camp out in a park. The guy that heads the Parks and Rec department contacted me and set us all up. So awesome. We were very grateful. The views at the park are awesome too. It’s going to be a good night.

By | 2018-07-18T19:29:44+00:00 July 18th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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