Day 98 – 16 miles – 1,292 total

Home/Day 98 – 16 miles – 1,292 total

Day 98 – 16 miles – 1,292 total

There was a really weird noise from an animal that was close to us last night. It sounded to me like a possum screaming but I have no clue as to what it really was. Stick didn’t know either. I yelled at it and clapped my hands. It got farther away and left us alone. We could hear the noise getting farther away. Whatever. Back to sleep.


We woke up at sunrise and talked about the incident as we packed up. We will never know what that was lol. We started walking and crossed the Virginia State Line and took a picture break at the welcome sign. Amazing. I can’t believe that we have walked here from freaking Key West, FL. What were we thinking haha.


We got off the busy highway and onto a backroad that would take us all the way into Suffolk. We refilled our water bottles at a church and poured some out for our homies up above.


It was a great morning with beautiful weather. The backroads were incredible. Beautiful country. The day was awesome.


Then my cart broke. For those that don’t know, my cart’s name is Lieutenant Dan. Lieutenant Dan lost his legs.


I had to do a wheelie and keep going. After a while, I couldn’t do it anymore. I was frustrated. Domino was tired and couldn’t ride in my cart. We needed to think of our options.


We stopped and had a snack break and thought about what could be done. I decided to leave my cart in the woods and come back to get it later as our car was waiting for us up ahead. We threw Domino’s pillow into Stick’s cart so she could ride in there and we took turns pushing it.


We decided to push hard so we could just get to the car and into civilization. It was rough but we finally made it. We grabbed the car and headed back to get Lieutenant Dan, then went back to go check into a hotel. We left Domino in the A/C and Stick went to grab food while I went out to grab a package that was waiting for us and to go to Dick’s Sporting Goods to look at new carts. I found one but wasn’t sure about it’s durability for the crazy things that we need it for. I bought it anyway since it had a 60 day return policy. I figured that I could use it until we could find someone who could fix Lt Dan.


I came back to the hotel and put the cart together. I knew right away that this wasn’t going to work. We had to take it back. I would’ve broken it the first day. I was tired and exhausted at this point. I decided to grab some food and let it all be tomorrow’s problems. I needed a brain break. We watched hockey and enjoyed the luxuries of a hotel room.

By | 2018-05-07T07:09:55+00:00 May 7th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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