Day 90 – 0 miles – 1,192 total

Home/Day 90 – 0 miles – 1,192 total

Day 90 – 0 miles – 1,192 total

We woke up and got on the road early. We had 5 hours of driving to do. We drove up to the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel Bridge. A 24 mile long bridge that goes under water and comes back up a few times. It goes under to allow space for ships to pass. It is a beautiful and magnificent bridge.


On the other side is a part of the country known as Delmarva. Delaware, Maryland, Virginia. We drove up to Salisbury Maryland where a friend of Stick’s lives and stopped by to say hey. He took us out to lunch. We had to be slightly rushed because we still had a lot of road to catch and we had a big day tomorrow. KT is Stick’s best friend and the guy is awesome. It was a real pleasure to meet him.


We then headed over to Cape Henlopen State Park. Stick started a walk here in 2014 and I started a walk here in 2016. The exact same spot. It was pretty cool to revisit. I found a cool rock and kept it to remind of the moment every time I see it.


We got back on the road and Stick got a message from a friend of ours in Delaware saying that there was a bluegrass Grateful Dead band playing a concert in Wilmington. We both knew he had to go to that. We went there and I dropped Stick off with Jen, a badass and a great supporter of our walk and of Freedom to Grow. She is on our ambassador team and is helping a lot. Stick stayed with her and I kept going as I wanted to be closer to the event to get there early and set up before the thousands of people got there.


I kept driving and finally made it to my dear friend Amy’s house. I stayed at her house last year for this event and it felt good to be back, even though they are Eagles fans. We caught up on everything and had philly cheesesteaks for dinner. Oh yeah. They really are better here than anywhere else. I tapped out around 10 pm and was out like a light. All that driving wore me out and I knew I had a big day tomorrow.


By | 2018-04-30T18:39:29+00:00 April 30th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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