Day 79 – 23 miles – 1,045 total

Home/Day 79 – 23 miles – 1,045 total

Day 79 – 23 miles – 1,045 total

We drove down to Britt’s Donuts to our starting point. We met a woman there who wanted to walk with us and help us out. She helped us move our car up ahead so that we could walk to it and have it at the end of the day. I drove it and she followed me and then she drove us back to Britt’s. Then we met up with her friends and we all started walking.


Jeanne and Sheila, who live in the area, walked with us and had no plans on when they were going to stop. They just wanted to support us by taking action and joining in. I really enjoyed the company. Jeanne lost her son Frankie 3 years ago and I was honored to hear about him. I could tell that him and my sister were at work in bringing us all together.


They walked with us for 12 miles. It was some of the easiest miles I have walked on this whole trip. They were great company. I am hoping to see them again. Jeanne’s husband and son came to drop us off some lunch and pick the ladies up. We sat on the sidewalk and ate Chik-fil-a. We said goodbyes for now but not forever and Stick and I were back on our own.


We thought that we only had 8 miles left but someone did the math wrong while planning out the day (me). We walked and walked and walked and walked. It ended up being way longer than we thought. We had an awesome bike path though. That helped. We got to walk through UNC Wilmington campus. It was a nice walk but just long. It ended up being close to 24 miles at the end of the day.


We checked into a hotel that I got a good rate on and we ordered pizza and ate the whole thing in a matter of minutes. I came down to the lobby to do some work on the computer. I have now planned out the next few days and have arranged for meeting with some awesome people. I am looking forward to the rest of the week but first and foremost, it’s time for bed!!


Good night.

By | 2018-04-16T21:11:02+00:00 April 16th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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