Day 76 – 20 miles – 1,022 total

Home/Day 76 – 20 miles – 1,022 total

Day 76 – 20 miles – 1,022 total

Friday the 13th.


We met the Sherriff of Brunswick County, John Ingram, at our starting point this morning. He really has a good understanding of addiction and is doing his part to help. It was great to meet him. He called his people and made sure that we had a cruiser drive ahead of us with it’s lights on all morning. We had a very dangerous stretch ahead of us.


It was so helpful to have the police car driving ahead of us to slow down traffic. We walked very quickly so as not to waste too much of the officer’s time. We walked 6 miles in an hour and a half. After that we got to a point where we could take back roads. We thanked the officer and had breakfast.


We then walked down to the ferry that we had to take and while waiting for it we were talking to others who were waiting. One guy that we met made a large donation through our website just moments later. We talked to the admiral of the ferry and she wanted to know all about our trek. She kept telling us that we needed to be walking in place while on the ferry haha.


We got off the ferry and the Wilmington news station was waiting for us there to do an interview. We did the interview and it aired later that evening. Awareness raised. Boom.


The rest of the walk was amazing. All along the Atlantic Ocean. We walked through Kure Beach and into Carolina Beach. We stopped for the day at a place called Britt’s Donuts.


We grabbed a couple and they were great. The manager was kind of rude. Typical tourist trap. It didn’t matter though. We were there for a much better reason and Stick had no idea what that was.


Stick’s older brother Paul had contacted me weeks earlier and told me that he wanted to make a surprise visit. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.


Paul walked over and saw us sitting nearby. He shouted, “I heard this is a great place to get donuts!” He was loud enough that Stick looked up to see what the commotion was.


Stick was so surprised. He said, “Holy sh**, that’s my brother Paul!”


He ran over to him and couldn’t believe that he was down here. It took a few moments before he realized that we had planned it out. He applauded my ability to keep a secret as this was the second time that he was surprised by a visit from family. We headed to the hotel that Paul booked for us.


We grabbed an amazing seafood dinner that Paul bought. We were so stuffed afterwards. I was anyways. It was really good food too. I think we could’ve all three eaten the entire pot of chowder. At the hotel, we sat around and I listened to them tell stories all night. It was awesome. (Hello Nancy. Paul told me that you read the blog. Thank you)


We stayed up late knowing that we were going to take tomorrow off.

By | 2018-04-15T11:34:21+00:00 April 15th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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