Day 115 – 13 miles – 1,517 total

Home/Day 115 – 13 miles – 1,517 total

Day 115 – 13 miles – 1,517 total

It was hard to leave the nice hotel but we had to walk. We got up and got breakfast on the way to our starting spot. We parked the car and unloaded our cars and what we needed for the day. It was sprinkling rain on us but nothing heavy. We made sure to bring our rain gear as it looked as if it would be raining on and off all day.

The first 6 miles were really easy. A busy highway but a very wide shoulder for us to walk safely on. We were able to talk to each other and take in the scenery around us. Some drivers were being friendly and we would get the occasional friendly honk and wave. Always a great spirit booster.

We stopped for a break and then it started raining. It didn’t seem so bad at first. We put our rain jackets on and started walking. Then the bottom fell out. It started raining really hard. I had to wrap my tarp around Lieutenant Dan (my cart). Domino was inside it and she sure didn’t mind having the shelter from the rain. It was breathable enough for her to be in there until the rain passed.

The rain eventually passed but my feet were soaked. And I wasn’t smart enough to bring my alternate pair of shoes and dry socks. We kept walking until the rain died all the way out and then pulled over to adjust our life.

I took the tarp off and let Domino out to stretch her legs. We took all our rain gear off and shook it dry. I took my shoes and socks off. Only one had gotten wet on the inside. I had to wring out that sock and squeeze the insole the best I could. I was screwed. I knew that I was going to deal with a wet left foot for the rest of the day.

I did a weird trick. I tied my bandana around my foot kind of like a sock and then put my wet sock on over that. It gave an extra layer and actually worked quite well as far as comfort went.

We chugged along for a few more miles and then I started feeling really bad. Not sure if I’m coming down with something or if I was just miserable from the wet foot but I wasn’t feeling it. We came up to a gas station and I asked Stick if he minded if we called it a day. A bad storm was coming and we needed to get settled somewhere safe anyways.

So I got a Lyft ride back to the support vehicle and then drove back to get our stuff. We drove from there to ky Uncle Todd’s house in Fairfax, VA. We planned on staying there tonight.

We went out to dinner at a place called Cafe Rio. It was really good. Right as we were finishing our meal, my two cousins and Aunt came in. I hadn’t seen them in forever. Cole and Morgan are both into competition weightlifting and it’s really inspiring to watch them work hard towards a dream.

We had a blast catching up in the restaurant. I wish we could’ve stayed a lot longer and hung out with them more. We then headed to my uncle’s house and took showers and laundry and all that stuff then sat there and watched some baseball. My uncle came home and we sat around for a while catching up and that was that. Another day in the books.

By | 2018-05-22T22:43:05+00:00 May 22nd, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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