Day 107 – 26 miles – 1,436 total

Home/Day 107 – 26 miles – 1,436 total

Day 107 – 26 miles – 1,436 total

The story of the day was hills and heat.

We started off right with a nice free breakfast at the hotel. Then we started walking and everything was perfect. Sidewalk, cloudy weather to keep it cool, feeling refreshed….. Then I noticed the road sign and realized we were not on the right road. I freaking took a wrong turn! Ugh. We walked .6 miles in the wrong direction and had no other options but to double back. We got back to the hotel and started walking… again. This time in the right direction.

We had a long 6 mile road that linked us to a bigger highway that we would be on all day. We walked as long as we could stand the heat, then we would take a break in the shade to cool down, and repeat all day.

It was the hilliest day we have had yet too. A very physically demanding day but we handled it well. It was a mentally challenging day for Stick as it is his late father’s birthday.

We were walking down the road and one of the streets that we passed was called Leonard Lane. Leonard is his father’s name. It was a very cool moment and I’m glad that Stick got to have it.

He had some complications all day though. Little things were getting to him. I should’ve been more helpful and offered to listen to him but I decided to try to give him some peace. That wasn’t really possible with all the hills and heat.

When we finally made it to the campground that we walked 26 miles to get to, it straight up sucked. We had to walk far and uphill just to get to our campsite. I was able to work with it and stay up in good spirits but everything was out to get Stick tonight.

I showered first and then set up my tent. He did the opposite and when he went to go take a shower a storm hit and knocked the power out at the campground. No lights, and for some reason, no water either.

I’m going to try to talk to him tomorro and hopefully we can get him smiling again. He’s put enough smiles on my face so I hope I can help get one on his. He still kicked butt though. 26 miles like it was nothing.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. In the picture above you can see a memorial that we passed today while walking. A runner named Meg who must’ve been very loved. Someone had made a shoe tree in her honor. It hit us hard as we understood the passion she had for putting miles under her feet. We wish her family peace.

Anyway, the storm…

wow. We got hit with a really bad storm. Winds and heavy rain poured down for a good hour. I was in my tent and had to hold the poles with my feet during big gusts. I made some adjustments here and there as things were happening but me and Domino stayed dry and so did our stuff. It was pretty fun actually. I’m glad I stayed in my tent for the storm. It may not have made it without my added support during the gusts.

Anyway… off to bed. More miles to make tomorrow

By | 2018-05-14T20:21:09+00:00 May 14th, 2018|Uncategorized|1 Comment

One Comment

  1. Linda Grauel May 14, 2018 at 10:00 PM - Reply

    Enjoying your blog very much, thanks for taking us on your journey. Thanks for doing what you and Stick are doing, your both amazing people. I’m in the Philadelphia area, I know your going to philly but not sure of your route after that, if your crossing right away over to Jersey or heading up the direction of 95. If me and my daughter Melissa can be of antsy help just let’s us know, with the support vehicle or a place to stay. I know she wants to meet up with you and give you Brandon Novak’s book that she promised you. We saw you at the awareness walk a couple weeks ago. Just let me know.

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