Day 100 – 20 miles – 1,312 total

Home/Day 100 – 20 miles – 1,312 total

Day 100 – 20 miles – 1,312 total

Woke up early and I spent about an hour and a half working on the computer before we started walking. I had some things that I had to finish before starting another 5 day stretch.

We then packed our carts and parked our car in a safe spot then walked over to Hardees for breakfast. We ate and then got ready to start our walk. While we were getting ready, 3 of the people inside the restaurant came over to talk to us and they all gave us $10 each. They didn’t share much about themselves, I think they just wanted to help. Great way to start the day. Friendly people and full stomachs.

Soon into our walk, a reporter from the Suffolk newspaper came to talk to us. They will run a story about us and our cause. Awareness has been raised. Boom.

The walk part of the day was pretty uneventful. We were on backroads and Stick was listening to music and I was listening to the world.

It was a little chilly and gray today. Stick was wanting to get a hotel room to play it safe with the weather. We called one hotel and they were being snotty about Domino so we called another one.

This one was nicer and we couldn’t afford the regular rate. I went ahead and straight up asked them if they could donate a room or give us a diacount for our charitable cause. They took over $100 off the rate and got us a nice room for $49. A nice Hampton Inn. Sweet!

We walked uneventfully to the hotel and settled in and ordered pizza. Livin it up haha. We felt like should celebrate 100 days. It’ll be back to the trenches tomorrow. Can’t wait 🙂

By | 2018-05-07T18:57:59+00:00 May 7th, 2018|Uncategorized|1 Comment

One Comment

  1. Deborah Petschel May 7, 2018 at 7:26 PM - Reply

    I just love all the good deeds you’re receiving! Well deserved. Heck, might as well ask everytime for a discount 😊

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