Day 87 – 0 miles – 1,150 total

Home/Day 87 – 0 miles – 1,150 total

Day 87 – 0 miles – 1,150 total

Rain day.

We slept in. I thought it was at least 2 pm but it wasn’t even 9 am when I woke up. Sleeping in has a whole new meaning to it when you wake up around 6 every day.

We laid around lazily and then headed out for lunch around noon. It was pouring down rain. It was horrible.

We got back and took naps. Then got some computer work done. At 5 pm, we had a newspaper reporter come interview us for a story. It should be a good awareness piece for the area.

We then had another amazing dinner with Same Power Ministries and friends. A true eastern Carolina meal with BBQ and casserole dishes covered in gravy and goodness. And banana pudding that was made in heaven.

We laughed and ate and talked about our route for tomorrow as they all wanted to help us out with moving ahead. So amazing. They have an event coming up on August 25th in Washington, NC. Be there.

We headed back to our cozy cabin and had to call it quits. We’ll hate to leave this place but the mission must continue.

By | 2018-04-24T22:04:16+00:00 April 24th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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