Day 84 – 0 miles – 1,111 total

Home/Day 84 – 0 miles – 1,111 total

Day 84 – 0 miles – 1,111 total

I had the worst night of sleep that I’ve had on the whole walk last night. My heart and brain were fighting each other and I knew I needed to get a few things off of my chest on camera while the crew is here. I dreaded it because it’s very real and very personal stuff but I had to do it. I’ve learned that if something is irritating you in your heart, that you have to let it out before it drives you insane. It was also really cold.

I was up when the sun finally rose and went to take a shower thinking it would help warm me up. The shower wasn’t amazing but I did feel better after. Stick was up at this point and he had a rough night too. We got ready quickly and drove into New Bern to go to an event. It is called Health and Wellness Fair for Mental Health and Opioid Addiction. I was very excited to be there.

We roll in looking crazy. Everyone else is dressed nice with make-up and hair gel and whatnot. Me and Stick roll up with tattoos, beards, hats, and a dog. Luckily, there were some awesome people there that we knew. The people with Craven County H.O.P.E. welcomed us and introduced us around so that we felt comfortable.

We set up our Freedom to Grow table and then the event began. They had an impressive panel of speakers that brought up some really good topics regarding treating mental health illness and opioid addiction. I felt right at home as counseling and learning Cognitive Behavioral Therapy were huge in my steps to stay off of drugs and out of jail. They will also be a big part of the program at Freedom to Grow.

That event went very well and I left feeling really fulfilled and excited about continuing to pursue opening Freedom to Grow. I was also very tired. We grabbed lunch and then headed back to the campground.

I took a quick nap while Stick did his interview with the film crew. Then I did my interview. It was very personal. The interview lasted about an hour and I was in tears for probably half of it. I let it all out.

We then headed to another event. A lantern lighting festival for victims of overdose deaths. I wrote a message on mine and talked to some other people who were there. We lit them and let them fly in the air. They were attached to strings so they wouldn’t fly away. It was powerful how many there were.

Then we headed back, got dinner, and got ready for another cold night of camping. yay.

By | 2018-04-21T23:57:23+00:00 April 21st, 2018|Uncategorized|2 Comments


  1. Lisa Fab April 22, 2018 at 12:51 PM - Reply

    Glad you had a chance to talk…I think I said this once before but going to say it again, when are ready to interview for a therapist at Freedom to Grow (and I know this is going to be in a couple of years), I SO want to interview. I’m all about CBT! =)

  2. Vivian Hoskins April 23, 2018 at 9:27 PM - Reply

    Freedom to Grow is going to be a wonderful place for recovery and your plans. I too believe that counseling and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a major factor for success. So glad you decided to talk it out instead of allowing it to pull you down. Keep on keeping on!

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