Day 70 – 13 miles – 927 total

Home/Day 70 – 13 miles – 927 total

Day 70 – 13 miles – 927 total

We slept a little late this morning and we didn’t get started until around 8 am. We had to get rolling because rain was in the forecast this afternoon and we needed to get some miles in before it hit.

Penny and Rich offered to move our car forward for us so that we had it at the end of our day to get to where we would be staying tonight.

Soon after starting, we were met by a reporter from the local paper who walked a couple of miles with us. We think that it will make a very informative story for their paper. Hopefully the people reading it will pay attention to our message.

The rest of the time spent walking through Pawleys Island was incredible. We had a bike path the whole way and people were amazing. We saw a couple of alligators and a lot of turtles. Everyone that we talked to was very friendly and open to discussing the opioid crisis.

Penny came back to walk with us for a few miles. She wore her son Brian’s hat. I loved that. I love that she came and walked with us. We were going to keep going but rain started to come and the radar didn’t look promising. We decided to seek shelter and call it an early day. They helped us get our car and I am glad we stopped because the rain really started to come down and never let up.

We decided to get a cheap room. We came up short on our miles today so we really need to get an early start tomorrow. When we arrived to check in there were 3 cops in the parking lot and a bunch of crazy activity going on all around the hotel. An extended stay no tell motel. I’ve been to worse though.

The clerk was a real character. Personal hygiene was not a huge priority in his life. I’m not sure if anything was. The plants outside of his office surely weren’t. There were about 8 pots with plants in them and only one was still alive. I couldn’t wait to see how well the room was cared for….

Other than the blood on the wall im the bathroom it wasn’t that bad. We took the blankets off the bed and laid them on the floor and used our sleeping bags as comforters. The sheets were clean so that’s good lol.

We laid around and actually got to enjoy a little downtime. I watched Atlanta United win 5-0 and it made me miss home.

We headed over to Subway for dinner and the guy working there had some wristbands on. Stick asked him what they were for and they were recovery related. We told him what we were doing and invited him out to walk with us. I hope he makes it. He really wanted to.

Went back to the room and snuck Domino out to do her business. She isn’t supposed to be here. Of all the things allowed in this hotel and dogs aren’t. Kind of odd but we didn’t want to make a scene so we just stayed low key. Domino is a great dog and will stay quiet and won’t leave any mess behind. We’ll be gone early in the morning anyways. Just another day on the road!

By | 2018-04-07T21:25:32+00:00 April 7th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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