Day 105 – 0 miles – 1,390 total

Home/Day 105 – 0 miles – 1,390 total

Day 105 – 0 miles – 1,390 total



We got to have a tour day in Richmond. Kitty and Aline took us to ZZ BBQ. An amazing restaurant in a cool neighborhood. We sat and talked to the owner as we ate. The brisket was the best I ever had. SO good. We left there and went hiking. Yep. We went for a walk on our day off.


I was really looking forward to it actually. There is the beautiful James River that goes right through the city. There are trails and pedestrian bridges all over the place. Tons of things to climb too. I was trying to contain myself and stay with the group. We walked up and saw some really cool civil war history along the way. It was a great outing but it was a short one as it was really hot out. We got back and headed back to the house to cool down and rest up.


We had dinner together again and then packed up all of our stuff to get ready for walking again in the morning.

By | 2018-05-13T19:51:48+00:00 May 12th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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