Day 89 – 18 miles – 1,192 total

Home/Day 89 – 18 miles – 1,192 total

Day 89 – 18 miles – 1,192 total

I woke up to the sound of 800 million seagulls screaming at the tops of their lungs. It was really annoying but what can ya do? Get up and start walking, that’s what.

I went into the restroom area to freshen up or whatever and Stick was already awake and inside talking to the employee behind the counter. The guy’s son was suffering really badly with addiction and Stick was able to show him compassion and understanding. We hope it does something for him. We know the struggle.

We got on the road and it was a beautiful morning. Farms and light traffic. About 6 miles in and we made into the town of Bath. It’s the oldest town in NC. Established in 1705. Blackbeard landed here with his ship Queen Anne’s Revenge.

It was a really cool town. We stopped for breakfast at a place called Old Country Kitchen. It was only 9 am and the breakfast rush was already cleared out in a town full of farmers. One local remained and he came to talk to us.

He told us that he saw us on the news and knew exactly what we were walking for. I loved that. He told us how his 88 year old father went in to the doctor for a sore neck and was prescribed Oxycontin 3 times a day for 10 days. Within 6 days he was in the hospital from constipation and it was a huge ordeal to get him to recovery. He knew first hand where this huge crisis derived from. He paid for our breakfast and thanked us for our efforts. We both broke down when he left.

The breakfast was incredible. We headed to the library and the visitor’s center after that and they knew of us as well. They gave us support and took pictures to tell their friends. Unreal.

We kept steppin and stomped through the backroads with ease. It was beautiful and gave us time to our thoughts which were pure and healthy. It was a great day.

We ended our walking day at our car and then drove 2 hours north to get closer to Philly where we will be this weekend for a big event.

We stopped at a campground in Chesapeke VA. Set up our tents, did laundry, and talked to some of the other campers. A great day and a great night.

By | 2018-04-26T20:58:01+00:00 April 26th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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