Day 83 – 14 miles – 1,111 total

Home/Day 83 – 14 miles – 1,111 total

Day 83 – 14 miles – 1,111 total

We had a fairly easy day ahead of us so we took our time getting ready in the morning. It was 9 am before we got started. We walked along Hwy 17 and had a good shoulder. People were being kind and getting over to give us space. Most people waved and gave a honk too. The weather was cool and brisk. Sun shining just enough to keep us warm. It was as nice as highway walking gets.

We hit our 1,100 mile mark and stopped to celebrate and take photos. We got back on the road and had tunes crankin and were busting out some good easy miles with a nice shoulder and friendly traffic.

We got to a point where a construction zone was approaching and the 4 lane divided highway merged into a two lane road with a small shoulder. Luckily, I saw this on googlemaps and had an alternate route planned for us. We turned onto some country backroad and walked the last few miles in pure paradise. Farm land and very little traffic. It was beautiful and silent.

We got to White Oak River Campground where we planned on staying for the next two nights. We went to check in and pay and the guy said that they were not going to charge us. They appreciated what we were doing and wanted to support it. Amazing.

We arranged a ride to go back to get our car and we did laundry while we were in town. We ate dinner at a local fast food chain called Cookout then headed back to the campground to set up camp.

The film crew for the documentary that is being made about the walk showed up and we all hung around the campfire and caught up with each other. We have a big day tomorrow with two events. Stay tuned…

By | 2018-04-20T22:49:16+00:00 April 20th, 2018|Uncategorized|1 Comment

One Comment

  1. Vivian Hoskins April 21, 2018 at 1:36 AM - Reply

    Such a beautiful world! The pictures take me into the walk as if I was there.

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