Day 80 – 19 miles – 1,064 total

Home/Day 80 – 19 miles – 1,064 total

Day 80 – 19 miles – 1,064 total

We were up and on the road before 8 am. I had to put Domino’s shoes on as one of her feet are sore. She is not a huge fan of her shoes but she is used to them and walks just fine in them.

We got started and walked on. The day was cool but warmer temperatures would come as the sun got higher. The trick to clothes on a walk like this is to have many different layers. That way you can add or take away a layer as needed. We’re used to this by now and have it down.

We stopped at a Burger King for breakfast and another person there recognized us from the news and bought us breakfast. Pretty cool! He was a funny guy. His friends were lame though. They wouldn’t make eye contact with us. They thought we were homeless or something. We didn’t mind it’s just a shame to see people missing out on a good story because of judgement. Oh well, I’m not perfect either….

We left Burger King and had a few miles of a good shoulder to walk on. Life was pretty good. I was making calls all morning as I have been planning out the next few days.

Then the shoulder ended and we had to walk in the grass and up and over curbs. It was horrible. I had my cart and it took a lot of extra effort to do that. We eventually got into the center lane. There were two lanes of traffic on both sides with a dual turning lane in the middle. We were right in the middle of a huge busy highway. Not ideal but we were still being safe about it.

We came up to a Subway and grabbed a sub and ate lunch. This was later in the day. We needed the break after walking this bad stretch.

We got back on the road and it was the same thing. Just horrible and damn near impossible.

Thankfully, Jeanne called and said she was on her way to drop off our support vehicle ahead of us. I asked her to pull over when she saw us so I could throw my cart into the car. It helped so much to walk without it. We had about 4 miles to go.

The last stretch was upsetting. We kept finding used needles on the side of the road. Like way too many. We were picking them up and placing them into a water bottle. We filled one up all the way and almost another. We would find one and would put it in the bottle and before you could screw the lid back on you would find another. It was horrible. There must’ve been a dope house nearby.

We made it to the end and then drove to Surf City where Sheila owns a house that she is letting us stay in tonight. Jeanne was there and ordered us pizza. Then she had to go because she had to work. Stick and I kicked back on the couch and watched the sunset while playing on our phones.

Now time to relax! 🙂

By | 2018-04-17T20:46:59+00:00 April 17th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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