Day 75 – 21 miles – 1,002 total

Home/Day 75 – 21 miles – 1,002 total

Day 75 – 21 miles – 1,002 total

We got an early start since we had plans in the evening. The first part of the morning was nice as we had a long sidewalk to walk on.

We turned off to some back roads and the traffic was higher than it seemed that it should’ve been and people were definitely driving faster than they should’ve been. We dealt with it though. Nothing we haven’t seen before.

We didn’t have our carts or Domino today. Just a small backpack. Kathy, a woman who walked the state line with us, came out to find us and told us that she wanted to take us to lunch when we were ready.

We texted her when we were ready and she took us to a great deli. While we were there, a reporter from a TV station came to interview us. She let u eat and then we went outside for the interview. When we saw the side of her vehicle I couldn’t help myself.

The name of the station that she worked for was channel 3 WWAY. I said “3 way” and chuckled right in front of the reporter. I didn’t even mean to say it outloud. It was just a natural response. Stick laughed. The reporter didn’t.

The interviews still went smoothly and she followed us for a while to get footage of us in action. We were cracking 3 way jokes for a few miles after she left. Smiles along the miles… lol

Most of the day was real pretty backroads with farms and ranches. The weather was perfect. Traffic was horrible. We found so many used needles on the ground too. Like way too many. Over 10 all day. We just picked them up and got them off the road.

We made our 1,000 mile mark! It was awesome. We stopped to take it in and reflect on everything. We’ve overcome a lot of obstacles to get here. We were both proud of ourselves and each other. It was a really great feeling.

We finished up and Kathy came back out to take us back to our car. We went to the hotel to take Domino out. We watched the news interview from earlier that was on TV. Then we headed over to a Naloxone Kit assembly party with B.A.C.K.O.F.F. Brunswick.

This was incredible. Mother’s who are all scorned by having a child suffering with addiction and/or have lost a loved one to a substance related passing. They all come together to try to do something positive to combat the problem and also to heal and grow together. It’s beautiful.

I was honored to be there. They made us some amazing dinner and desserts. It was a very special moment for me to be putting together Naloxone kits provided by North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition. Life-saving power right in my hands. I was grateful to be there.

They gave us a really generous love offering. Some t-shirts and lots of hugs too. I hated to leave but it was time to go to rest up for another day of pounding pavement.


By | 2018-04-12T22:04:34+00:00 April 12th, 2018|Uncategorized|3 Comments


  1. Melody Bass April 13, 2018 at 2:27 PM - Reply

    You are such a wonderful young man! I know your parents are proud! I never asked your age? My son is 34 and with one look at him you can see he’s stuggling. I pray the future brings the strong, healthy , athletic back to me.Meeting you and hearing your story boost the hope I carry everyday. It can be done! Recovery is real! My hope continues!!

  2. Matt April 23, 2018 at 2:59 AM - Reply

    Hey Brett-

    I really enjoyed reading your blog for your first walk, and now I get the pleasure of reading this one. Question for you – what is the make and model of stroller you are using, and is it easy to purchase and replace wheels/tubes when they go? I like the DoggyRide stroller but their replacement part site is ancient so I have my doubts. Any advice would be appreciated, if you have the time.

    Thanks, Matt

    • brettbramble April 23, 2018 at 6:25 AM - Reply

      Thanks for reading the blog. Are you interested in a walk yourself?

      I have the Novel by Doggyride. It’s great. On the big wheels I put in solid innertubes and on the front I put a solid rubber tire. I never have flats. All I have to change are the big tires occasionally and those you can just get at Walmart. Everything else has held up very well considering the torture that I put it through. Maintenance is easy on it. It’s a great product.

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