Day 74 – 20 miles – 981 total

Home/Day 74 – 20 miles – 981 total

Day 74 – 20 miles – 981 total

I woke up and Janice was making us smoothies for breakfast. We said our goodbyes for now and we headed out early to our starting spot. It was cold but we had to get an early start because we had people waiting for us up ahead for when we cross the state line.


We walked through North Myrtle Beach and crossed into Little River. There we were met by a woman named Jeannie who wanted to show us some love. She bought us breakfast and gave us a very generous donation. Her daughter is in recovery and is doing very well. She offered to help us out more if we needed it. I wanted to talk with her for much longer but we had to continue walking as we were on a schedule today.


We started to get close to the state line and passed by the welcome center for S.C. We decided to go in quickly for a restroom break and to grab a map of N.C. The women working inside were very nice and supported our cause.


We made it to our rendezvous point with the people with B.A.C.K.O.F.F. Brunswick and the Brunswick County Sheriff Office and a reporter with the Brunswick Beacon. They all gathered in a parking lot and we did introductions and photos and then headed from there to the state line. The sheriff’s gave us an escort. A cruiser in front and in back of us with lights on and blocking traffic as we rolled our way into North Carolina. It was incredible.


I couldn’t believe that it was happening to me. I made sure to enjoy the moment but I was more impressed by the bigger picture. The fact that the Sheriff was so supportive of our cause. It gave me hope.


We walked into Calabash and stopped for lunch at a deli. We were talking to other customers there and they were all happy to talk to us about our walk and our cause. It’s really just that simple. We have found a way to spark the conversation about the opioid crisis. And with people who aren’t wrapped up in it all day everyday. We are able to reach people who need to talk about it. I love it.


A little down the road a woman pulled her car over and got out to come meet us. I don’t know what it was but I could tell that she had lost a child to this as she walked up to us. Bless her heart. Sonya (spelling?) had lost her gorgeous daughter Nicole and wanted to show her support for our walk. She gave us pictures on Nicole to take with us. She will be with us the rest of the way.


Farther down the road we were met by a gentleman named Craig, who I have been in contact with on email. Craig lost his precious boy Andrew. Andrew’s mom Debbie had to work but we were able to talk to her on the phone while Craig was there. He left a pin with a picture of Andrew that I put on Lieutenant Dan. Him and his parents will be with me the rest of the way. I actually hope to come back and meet with them.


Even with all of the positive things that the Sheriff is doing we still saw a lot of signs that the problem persists in this county. We found 7 used needles on the side of the road today. We collected them and will dispose of them properly. I was trained a couple of years ago on how to handle used needles safely.


It was a powerful day. One to remember for sure. I am very grateful for all of the people rallying together to volunteer their efforts to help us out. This is exactly what will make a difference. People coming together. Let’s keep it up!!!!



By | 2018-04-11T20:47:15+00:00 April 11th, 2018|Uncategorized|1 Comment

One Comment

  1. Rachel April 12, 2018 at 9:59 AM - Reply

    What you are doing is such a wonderful thing, the world needs so many more people like you!

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