Day 73 – 17 miles – 961 total

Home/Day 73 – 17 miles – 961 total

Day 73 – 17 miles – 961 total


We had free breakfast at our hotel and then set off for the ferris wheel at Myrtle Beach. That was where we ended our walk the other day and would be starting this morning. We got there and walked up Ocean Blvd for a few hours. It was awesome. A little chilly but the Atlantic Ocean was one block over and you could see it between the big condo buildings. There was a nice sidewalk for us to be able to enjoy the scenery around us without having to worry about car traffic.


We noticed a lot of people waving and honking at us. Then we had a woman pull over to talk to us. She was so sweet and gave us some cash to show support. Not even two blocks later another woman pulls over and said that she saw us on the news and gave a donation as well. Then not even two blocks after that a car pulls over with three people who got out and were so grateful for what we were doing because they were all affected by our cause. We were really feeling great about getting so much support and encouragement.


Debbie, who is involved in the recovery community here in the Myrtle Beach area, came to walk with us for a while. She was awesome and did really well keeping up with us. We always love when people take the time to come walk with us. It really means a lot.


As Debbie was getting ready to head back to her car, Deb and Tom came pulling up with our support vehicle as they were helping us out by moving it forward for us. They stopped because Deb wanted us to sign her shoes that she wore when she walked with us the other day. I was honored. It was really cool to do it and they were Vans, which were totally my sister’s thing. It was perfect.


It was just me and Stick again and we headed forward. We were now on a dangerous segment that was connecting us to a better road up ahead. We saw a car’s hood fly up into their own windshield. It was crazy. Thankfully, they were able to pull over without hurting themselves or anyone else. They were definitely shaken up but would be ok. We couldn’t get to them to see if they were ok but they seemed like they had it under control.


We got back to sidewalks and we still had people honking and waving and stopping to show love all day. It was great. It made the miles easy on us.


We were walking and a guy came running up behind us and wanted us to go to his restaurant so he could feed us. We walk back to a place called Cruisin Cuisine that he owned. He saw us walking by and wanted to help us. He didn’t even know what it was all about at first. He just wanted to be nice. The food there was incredible! I mean really freaking good. A foodie’s kind of place. The flavors were unique and everything in the place was made from scratch. It was a real pleasure meeting him and I hope to get to go back someday.


We finished our walk with a few more people stopping and honking and waving. We even saw one guy across the busy highway come out of a shop and scream at us and then clapped his hands in the air for us to see. It felt like we were in a movie or ssomething. This couldn’t be real. Me and Stick were in disbelief and awe all day.


We made it to our walking destination and then headed to Janice and Rod’s house where we will be staying tonight. This was the couple who took us out to dinner last night. Tonight is more laid back. We are perfectly fine with that. It is nice to decompress and relax. Now to be done with this and go do just that 🙂

By | 2018-04-10T20:24:19+00:00 April 10th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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