Day 72 – 0 miles – 944 total

Home/Day 72 – 0 miles – 944 total

Day 72 – 0 miles – 944 total

We woke up and had an awesome breakfast that the Williams’ had made for us. They were so nice. I felt a connection with them through the pain of losing people that we love to the horrible disease called addiction. They were a lovely family and still had a lot to be grateful for and they helped me see that I do too.

Stick and I got ready to go walk but as soon as we left we both decided that neither of us wanted to walk in the cold rain. We went to a Dunkin Donuts to use the wifi and got some work done. I was able to plan out the next segment up to Wilmington.

After a couple of hours on the laptop, we decided that we should go to the outlet mall nearby and see if we saw anything that we needed.

We both hate malls but there really wasn’t much else to do. The weather was terrible. We walked around and popped into a few stores. One of the employees came up to us and asked if we needed any help. We asked where a certain store was and he told us. Then he asked how long we were in town for trying to just make friendly conversation.

We told him what we were doing and he said that he had heard about us on the radio this morning. He called all his buddies over and we got to talk about our walk and our cause with them. It felt great to see our efforts to reach people actually working.

This ended up happening all day. We met a lot of people who saw us on the news and the response was positive from them all. Every step matters.

We ended up checking into a hotel to get some rest and I took a little nap. Then Janice and Rod called and wanted to take us out to dinner. We headed out to a place called Crabby Mike’s. An all you can eat buffet with 170 items. It was awesome. I had so many crab legs that I actually started to get good at getting the meat out. We left the place feeling completely stuffed. The company was awesome too.

Headed back to the hotel and made some calls and emails to our people who are helping us in the Wilmington area. Big things in the works! 🙂

By | 2018-04-10T07:51:59+00:00 April 10th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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