Day 66 – 1 mile – 856 total

Home/Day 66 – 1 mile – 856 total

Day 66 – 1 mile – 856 total

I woke up feeling great and ready for a good day but Stick did not. He was struggling again. I hated it for him. We walked a little ways just to get out of the woods but then we stopped at a church with a flat lawn where he could lay down.

I called my dad to see if he could bring us our car. He was there within the hour. We dropped Stick off at the hospital and then I helped dad go het his car and then I ran some errands that had to get done.

Stick called back and I went to pick him up. He had vertigo mainly caused by dehydration. We had a list of things that will help and a list of things to look out for. We got his prescriptions filled and resupplied our food bags.

I asked if he could walk for the rest of the day but him and the doctor both thought that resting would be the best case. We found a campground and set up our tents, got some showers, did laundry and had a good meal. All fresh and ready. We’ll see how he feels in the morning. If all is well, then we’ll press on. If not, we’ll address the situation accordingly. It’s what we do. The show goes on…

By | 2018-04-03T19:06:51+00:00 April 3rd, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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