Day 65 – 5 miles – 855 total

Home/Day 65 – 5 miles – 855 total

Day 65 – 5 miles – 855 total

Stick was up early and I could hear him packing up before I woke up but stayed alseep until I saw signs of the sun coming up. I got up right as he was finishing up loading his stuff and he played with Domino while I packed mine up. We were on the road before 8 am.

We made it about 3 miles and then we came to a point where we could hop on hwy 17 and save 3 miles or we could stick to the back roads and just walk the extra 3 miles. After looking at the traffic on 17 and seeing the non-existent shoulder, we decided to stick to the backroads.

A few miles later and Stick was really struggling. He was all wobbly and weak. He had vertigo. It was bad. I felt bad for him. We tried to figure out what to do. We are literally in the middle of nowhere. I googled it and found a video of how to do a half moon manuever or something like that. We tried it but it made him sick.

After throwing up and laying down for about 2 hours we came to the conclusion that he wasn’t walking amymore today. He gave it his best shot.

I went back and found a good place for his tent and set it up for him. I made sure he had his food and water within reach and then I wasn’t really much use anymore. He needed rest.

There was still a whole lot of daylight left so I decided that I’d go and make up the miles I missed down in the keys. Refer to day 7 and 8 I think. I had to take a day off of walking to help the person who was suppose to be doing the support car driving and media outreach. Missing those miles had been bugging me so I was happy to get the chance to make them up.

I hated that Stick was feeling bad but I enjoyed my stroll. All I needed was 12 miles so I went 6 miles out and back. I found a trail in the woods that wasn’t a part of our route and just stayed on it until my gps told me that I made it to 6 miles then I turned around and retraced my steps.

I stopped and refilled our big jugs of water before going back to the woods. I carried them for over 2 miles and finally made it back. Stick was feeling a lot better.

I had dinner and laid around resting while him and I caught each other up on our days. I set up my tent and got ready for another night of camping in the National Forest.

By | 2018-04-02T19:23:48+00:00 April 2nd, 2018|Uncategorized|1 Comment

One Comment

  1. Donna Grzanka April 3, 2018 at 7:30 PM - Reply

    I hope you guys keep up the pace and your health stays good. I know about John. I know he must feel awful with all his unfortunate mishaps. Just as long as you both don’t get sick together at least one of you could could make meetings and scheduled plans. I admire the way you both make it up your miles when you you can get them in. ❤️🙏🏻👣👣🐾🐾

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